Friday, March 13, 2020


I am obliged to contact you via email. can I confide in you to discuss an important issue?

I will be happy to hear from you.

Sir Tim.


I am obliged to contact you via email. can I confide in you to discuss an important issue?

I will be happy to hear from you.

Sir Tim.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Email Violations Detected & You Will Be Shut Down!


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Your email account is currently transmitting viruses to our servers.
We will deactivate your account permanently if this issue is not resolve.

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Otherwise failure to sanitize your email account immediately will lead to deactivation
without further warning and your access to email services will be permanently terminated.

We are very sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you and we assure you
that everything will return to normal as soon as you have done the needful.

Thank You.



Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb.

My name is Enda Karina, I'm 50 years old single mom with one daughter. I'm a Civil Engineer Indonesia-American born and raised here in Atlanta US. Please friend, there is something very crucial i will like to discuss with you briefly in a clear mindset.
I want to discuss the possibility of setting up an investment cooperation with you and I will be pleased to explain my investment plans and carried it out legally and transparently, so i want to know if i can trust you to discuss details of the investment and send you my proposal and my credentials once i receive your humble reply.
Enda Karina.


Salam pembuka,
Nama saya Enda Karina, saya single mom 50 tahun dengan satu anak perempuan. Saya seorang Insinyur Sipil Indonesia-Amerika lahir dan besar di sini di Atlanta AS. Tolong teman, ada sesuatu yang sangat penting yang ingin saya diskusikan dengan Anda secara singkat dengan pola pikir yang jelas.
Saya ingin mendiskusikan kemungkinan mendirikan kerjasama investasi dengan Anda dan saya akan dengan senang hati menjelaskan rencana investasi saya dan melaksanakannya secara legal dan transparan, jadi saya ingin tahu apakah saya dapat mempercayai Anda untuk membahas rincian investasi dan mengirim Anda proposal dan kredensial saya begitu saya menerima balasan Anda yang rendah hati.
Enda Karina.
